with Noona’s Turmeric Honeycomb ice cream
By: Jessica Delph
Dippin Dots, have you ever had a spoonful ? Dippin Dots are a bit of an ice cream novelty, they have been around for quite some time. Dippin Dots are tiny beaded ice cream spheres that have been flash frozen at extremely chilling temperatures. If you can imagine a bowl of perfectly shaped ice cream pearls then you are on it! These dots come in a few different flavors, and what made them so fun to eat was of course their shape, but also because it is a light, cool treat when you are on the go. For me, it is a bit of a nostalgia trip as my family and I would take trips to amusement parks every summer and that was our go to treat. They were easily accessible at malls, amusement parks and baseball games.
This recipe is going to revisit this old school ice cream novelty, with a little added touch of honey. Now I have been a little intrigued by the “ Frozen Honey Challenge”. The frozen honey challenge has taken the internet by storm but what exactly is it? Honey is poured into an empty water bottle and left to freeze for 2-3 hours. What are the results ? a gummy, gooey bite of nature's candy (sounds amazing). It is all the rage this summer, honey does not contain much water so it will not freeze as the temperature reaches the freezing point. It will remain “honey like” in character which is why I think the idea is so fun ! We tried it, although ever so sweet and delicious, let us give this trend a boost and a bit more balance to make it that much more enjoyable.
In comes the mash up you never knew you needed, We have taken Noona’s “ Little Miss Sunshine” Turmeric Honeycomb ice cream , semi sweet chocolate to balance the texture and flavor of the viscous frozen honey. Let’s go !
Mini ice ball mold tray silicone: size: 243*121*20mm (9.5*4.76*0.78 inch)
1 scoop of “Little Miss Sunshine” or Turmeric Honey Comb
6 oz of Semi Sweet Chocolate chips
1- 2 tbsp of Clover Honey
1 tsp of coconut oil
For The Honey Ricotta Drizzle
1 tbsp of ricotta
1 tbsp of Clover honey
How to do it
1.) Take out Noona’s Turmeric Honeycomb ice cream and let it stand for about 5 minutes.
2.) While waiting for ice cream to drop down in temperature, pour the chocolate chips in a microwave proof bowl and microwave for 30 seconds. You will want to take out and stir with a spatula or spoon, repeat this step until the chocolate has evenly melted.
3.) Mix chips and make sure it is evenly melted, we will add coconut oil ( this will help the chocolate harden a bit faster and thicker). Pour chocolate in a measuring cup.
4.) Once chocolate has cooled a bit, it is time to use the silicone mold ! We want to almost fill the cavity with chocolate. To make sure there is no spillage, I chose to use the painting method. With a tiny paint brush I dipped it in the melted chocolate and painted the ice mold right up until the top! If not, just pour a little chocolate in at a time, and tilt the mold side to side ensuring that the chocolate coats each sphere evenly.
5.) Keep repeating step 4 until half the mold is chocolate filled.
6.) Next up, to fill the other side of the mold. Take a small spoon or an individual chopstick and spoon Noona’s Turmeric Honeycomb ice cream into an ice sphere mold. If you want to double the recipe, go for it!
7.) One silicone molds is full of ice cream, pop in the freezer and let sit for an hour.
8.) Take mold out of freezer, the chocolate side should be firm and hardened, what you will do now is fill the tiny space we left open with honey( straight from the honey bottle). Just the chocolate, make sure all spheres are topped off and then pop back in the freezer for 1-2 hours or if need be, overnight.
9.) This is the fun part ! You can now get a fancy serving bowl (or your hands ready), take mold out of the freezer. Let sit for 5 minutes on the countertop.
10.) Invert the mold and pop finished product out using your forefingers and thumbs ! And serve in a lovely bowl or cone even ! It’s that simple !
Topping: Honey Ricotta Drizzle
Mix the honey and ricotta together vigorously with a fork or whisk until it is the texture of icing sugar, take a spoon and drizzle all over dippin dots ! This takes the dessert up just a notch. For extra pep in your step try a crack of fresh black pepper !
Why don't you try this on for size, dippin dot from your childhood ? Frozen honey challenge 2.0 ?It is a little of both.
Pro Tip
If you do not have a mini sphere silicone available you can purchase it easily online. Or, optionally take the smaller side of a melon ball scooper. Scoop satisfactory amounts of Noona’s Turmeric Honeycomb in a bowl and drizzle with the melted chocolate AND honey ricotta drizzle ! easy peasy.
Noona’s Turmeric Honeycomb ice cream and honey filled chocolate Dippin Dots with a honey ricotta drizzle